Indie rock is a genre of rock music that originated in the United States and United Kingdom in the 1970s. Originally used to describe independent record labels, the term became associated with the music they produced and was initially used interchangeably with alternative rock. As grunge and punk revival bands in the US and Britpop bands in the UK broke into the mainstream in the 1990s, it came to be used to identify those acts that retained an outsider and underground perspective.  Popular bands in this genre include: The High Strung, National Eye, Stevie Nicks, Brass Bed  and  Floating Action.  Popular labels in this genre include: Modern Records, Creation Records UK, Slumberland Records, Helter Skelter Productions  and  EMI Records.


   Tracks for Genre:  Alternative Indie (144)
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  Showing 75 to 100 of 144 entries
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Maybe it's not Me  
  Brass Bed    Melt White        Alternative Indie    2010
Marching Through Your Head  
  Zeus    Say Us        Alternative Indie    2010
Makes Me Happy  
  Undersea Poem    Undersea Poem        Alternative Indie    2010
Mach Bach  
  Empress Hotel    Empress Hotel        Alternative Indie    2011
Mach 5  
  The Presidents of the United States    II        Alternative Indie    1996
Love Is A Dirty Word  
  Jason Collett    Rat A Tat Tat        Alternative Indie    2000
Love Barge  
  Big Dipper    Slam        Alternative Indie    2000
Little Secrets  
  Passion Pit    Manners        Alternative Indie    2009
Let's Go!  
  Summer Cats    Songs for Tuesdays        Alternative Indie    2009
Left Out Dynamite  
  National Eye    Roomful of Lions        Alternative Indie    2005
Juno 3  
  National Eye    Roomful of Lions        Alternative Indie    2005
Invisible Raincoat  
  National Eye    Roomful of Lions        Alternative Indie    2005
I Bleed Easy  
  Floating Action    Live at the Grey Eagle        Alternative Indie    2008
  Cartel    Warped Tour Session        Alternative Indie    2006
Helplessly Young  
  Oh No Ono    Eggs        Alternative Indie    2009
He's Got no Soul  
  The High Strung    Get the Guests        Alternative Indie    2007
  Showing 75 to 100 of 144 entries
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